Internet connectivity, like electricity and water, is now a necessary commodity for all businesses to operate.
Your connection to the internet forms the backbone of your business operation.
The faster and more reliable your connection – the better your productivity.
Always on!
Dedicated fibre leased lines are the fastest and most reliable form of connectivity. From 10MB to 10GB connections, Fluidity works with the major carriers to provide you with the most cost-effective, quickest and secure form of fibre connectivity.
Fibre to the cabinet
Fibre to the cabinet (FTTC) is a more cost-effective form of connectivity across a contended connection. FTTC connections provide fibre to the street cabinet, with ethernet (copper) connecting the cabinet to your premises.
Wireless connectivity
Recommended for areas where connectivity options are limited, or a resilient backup connection is needed. Fluidity can advise, design and deliver wireless connections into both rural and urban areas of the country. Utilising the best in tech products, Fluidity provides point to point (PTP) or point to multipoint (PTMP) solutions.
LTE – 4G/5G connectivity
With the emergence of 5G connectivity at cost-effective price points – depending on the signal strength in your area – LTE could be considered for either your primary or secondary connection.
MTU – multi tenanted units
Fluidity delivers Internet connectivity to multiple tenant sites, whether a rural industrial estate or a caravan park.
Ensuring the best connection is presented to the landlord, Fluidity can take the billing arrangement and risk directly with the end-users or work with the landlord providing them with a fully managed network to present to their tenants as they wish.

Fluidity was approached with regards to providing cabled fibre connectivity options to the landlord of an estate containing multiple businesses from a variety of sectors including retail, private, public and charity.